
Saturday, March 26, 2005

Step in the campus

Rainy today in Ningbou. But it is very small.
When i step on the road i found the trees the flowers the birds become clearer. I always ride bike or rolling and lost the chance to feel it like this today.
Last night i rolling with listening music and fell down heavily. My hands hurts badly. It proved that the hear keep on very important to our balance.
It seems that i will roll again in a few days later.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Kite flying the blue sky

As the wind blowing, many colorful kites come to fly in the blue sky in our campus. The sunny and windy day is the best day to fly kite here in Ningbou in March. I have to say that the big lawn in our university is the best building. The initiator of our university has a foresight.
I find a new way to get information on line today.
Much more:

P.S.It seems that i should change the time-zone of my blog.It always shows the time of America.

Flying Kite in the Blue Sky

As the wind blowing, many colorful kites come to fly in the blue sky in our campus. The sunny and windy day is the best day to fly kite here in Ningbou in March. I have to say that the big lawn in our university is the best building. The initiator of our university has a foresight.
I find a new way to get information on line today.
Much more:

P.S.It seems that i should change the time-zone of my blog.
It always shows the time of America.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Who invented the steam engine?

All of the educated students from china would answer it with out thinking,''It was James Watt."
That is our answer too in the International Trade class when Mr Yu asked us.
'I am sorry .You are wrong.' said Mr Yu,' He just improved it.'
But we had learn it in our elementary school from a text that it is James watt.
"That is wrong." said Mr Yu,"There are two mistakes in that article in my opinion. One is Watt just improved it.The other ,which I think is much more important is that the article indicate that invention is an easy job. Watt invent stream engine just beacaus he watched the water bubbled up in a pot."
-------------To be continuted

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Yanni Live At The Acropolis

About HI-FI

AKG Acoustics

Allen & Heath


Amercan D www.apogeedigital.comApogee Sound www.apogeesound.comB’s
Barco www.barco-usa.comBGW Systems www.bgw.comBOSECorp Professional Products’s
Canon Corp www.carvin.comCarver Professional www.carverpro.comCommunity Professional Loudspeaker Audio www.crestaudio,comCrown lnternatlonal www.csi-speco.comD’s
DAS Audio www.dasaudio.comDbx Professional Products www.dbspro.comDDA,htmlDigital Projection www.digitalprojection.comDisplay Devices www.displaydevices.comDOD Electronics www.dod.comDolby www.dolby.comDynacord’s
EAW(Eastern Acoustic Works) www.eaw.comElectro--Voice www.electrovoice.comEVI Audio www.eviaudio.comF’s
Fnder www.fender.comG’s
Gemini www.geminidj.comGold Line’s
High End Systems www.highend.comJ’s
JAMO U.S. www.jamospeakers.comJBL Professional www.jblpro.comK’s
Klark Teknik’s
Lexicon www.lexicon.comLucasfilm THX www.thx.comM’s
Mackie www.mackie.comMarantz www.marantz.comMartin Audio www.martin-audio.comMerlin Sound www.meyersound.comMicro Audio www.microaudio.comMidas’s
NEC USA www.neutrikusa.comO’s
Outline www.outline.itP’s
Panasonic sound products.lnc www.pasosound.comPeak Audio lnc. www.peakaudio.comPeavey www.peavey.comPioneer Electronics professional www.philipsro.comPolycom www.polycom.comPro-Lux www.prolux.comQ’s
Qsc Audio products www.quantegy.comR’s
Rane www.rane.comRF Systems www.rfsystems.comRGB Spectrum www.tgb.comS’s
Sanyo Electronics Systems www.soundsphere.comSony Corporation of America Control Technologies www.soundcontrol.netSoundcraft www.soundcraft.comSoundtech www.washburn.comSpirit www.spiritbysoundcraft.comStudiomaster www.studiomaster.comSymetrix www.symetrixaudio.comT’s
Tannoy www.tannoy.comTelect www.telect.comTelex www.telex.comTelex Communications www.eviaudio.comTOA Electronics www.toaelectronics.comToshiba www.turbosound.comV’s
Vega www.vegawireless.comY’s

摘自 广州网易社区古典音乐版
1、瓦格纳:《指环》维也纳爱乐乐团;乔治·索尔第,指挥;Decca听这录音(《莱茵的黄金》)的感受与去歌剧院观看舞台演出有所不同,不可思议的是,比之现场此版录音更牢牢地攫取了你的心。这个录音说明Decca公司录制人员发现了如 何通过唱片展示歌剧活力的秘密并提供了新鲜的音乐感受。我们所感受的是一个演唱层 面狻多的《指环》——不是指涂抹油彩的演员,而是剧 外的功夫。索尔蒂的指挥非常忠 实原作,没有奇异怪诞之念头。维也纳爱乐的演奏无可挑剔。演唱与乐队间的平衡恰到好处。(安德鲁·波尔特,1959年)

2、埃尔加:《大提琴协奏曲》杰奎琳·杜普蕾,大提琴伦敦交响乐团;约翰·巴比罗利指挥;EMI你只 听一会儿,就会明白杜普蕾如何能够取得成功了,不仅仅是每一乐句显示出,每 一个小节都是如此。这完全是一个无可挑剔的演奏,所达到的境界是别人难以超越的。(特雷沃尔·哈尔,1965年)

3、贝多芬:《第五交响曲》维也纳爱乐乐团;卡洛斯·克莱伯,指挥;DGG这是我所喜爱的众多第五交响曲中最辉煌灿烂的一个版本。我主观地将它与令人难忘的克伦佩勒版、高贵的卡拉扬版做了比较,其乐队的演奏色彩丰富、鲜活生动,最大限度 地抓住了音乐本身的绚丽,它充满了轻捷和生龙活虎的灵动。 (理查德·奥斯伯尔纳, 1975)





8.瓦格纳:《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》爱乐乐团;富特文格勒,指挥;EMI我们不仅能听到伊索尔德(弗拉格斯塔特)的精彩演唱,而且乐队同样出色。鲁德维格·索特豪斯演唱的特里斯坦,不仅唱得好而且感情细腻,对内容的理解及演绎相当到位,尤其是最后一幕在演唱和情感表达上都登峰造极。要指出的是富特文格勒的指挥激情涌动,以至于感染了索特豪斯超水平发挥。音乐从始至终无论是伤感的、激情的都显示了难以置信的境界。当伊索尔德唱到最后那个音符、乐队演奏最后一个和弦时,我感觉自己坐在椅子上久久不能移动,深深陷入这部美妙的杰作之中。(阿历克·罗伯特森, 1953)







15、贝多芬:钢琴奏鸣曲,施纳贝尔,EMI16、布里顿:《战争安曲》,布里顿,Decca17、马勒:第九交响乐,卡拉扬(live,1982),DG18、普契尼:《艺术家的生涯》,比彻姆,EMI19、莫扎特:圆号协奏曲;布雷恩,卡拉扬;EMI20、布拉姆斯:钢琴协奏曲作品集;吉列尔斯,约胡姆;DG21、布拉姆斯:《德意志安曲》,克勒姆佩雷尔,EMI22、艾尔加:小提琴协奏曲;梅纽恩,艾尔加;EMI23、拉赫玛尼诺夫、拉威尔:钢琴协奏曲;米凯兰杰利,Gracis;EMI24、布鲁克纳:第八交响乐,卡拉扬,维也纳爱乐(1988),DG25、贝多芬:《菲岱里奥》,克勒姆佩雷尔,EMI26、巴赫:《马太受难曲》,克勒姆佩雷尔,EMI27、德沃夏克:大提琴协奏曲;罗斯特罗波维奇,卡拉扬;DG28、肖邦:圆舞曲集,利帕蒂,EMI29、巴托克:《乐队协奏曲》,雷内尔,RCA30、贝多芬:第三交响乐,克勒姆佩雷尔(Mono,1955),EMI31、海顿:交响曲集,多拉蒂,Decca31、威尔弟:《安曲》,托斯卡尼尼,RCA33、布拉姆斯:第四交响乐,C·克莱伯,DG34、舒伯特:第九交响乐,富特文格勒(1951),DG35、拉赫玛尼诺夫:第二钢琴协奏曲;里希特,Wislocki;DG36、贝多芬:最后弦乐四重奏,布施四重奏团,EMI37、马勒:第八交响乐,苏提,Decca38、拉威尔:《达夫尼斯与克洛埃》,蒙特,Decca39、莫扎特:《女人心》,伯姆,EMI40、斯美塔那:《我的祖国》,库贝利克,捷克爱乐乐团(1990),Supraphon41、柏辽兹:《特洛伊人》,C·戴维斯,Philips42、德彪西:钢琴作品集,吉泽金,EMI43、西贝柳斯:小提琴协奏曲;海菲兹,比彻姆;EMI44、肖邦:练习曲,波利尼,DG45、贝利尼:《诺尔玛》,塞拉芬(1954),EMI46、舒伯特:弦乐四重奏,荷里活四重奏团,Testament47、柴科夫斯基:第一钢琴协奏曲;霍里维茨,托斯卡尼尼(1941),RCA48、戴留斯:管弦乐作品集,比彻姆,EMI49、莫扎特:《费加罗的婚礼》,E·克莱伯,Decca50、威尔弟:《奥塞罗》,托斯卡尼尼,RCA51、李斯特:钢琴协奏曲;里希特,孔德拉申;Philips52、瓦格纳:《女武神》第一幕 瓦尔特 EMI53、贝多芬:第四钢琴协奏曲;肯普夫,莱特纳;DG54、布里顿:《彼得· 赖姆斯》,布里顿,Decca55、威尔弟:《法尔斯塔夫》,托斯卡尼尼,RCA56、亨德尔:《弥赛尔》,比彻姆(1959),RCA57、舒曼:第四交响乐,富特文格勒(1951),DG58、马勒:第二交响乐,拉特尔,EMI59、比捷:《卡门》,比彻姆,EMI60、贝多芬:最后钢琴奏鸣曲,所罗门,EMI61、德沃夏克:第八交响乐,库贝利克,DG62、艾尔加等:英国弦乐作品,巴比罗利,EMI63、R.施特劳斯:《埃莱克特拉》,苏提,Decca64、莫扎特:《魔笛》;比彻姆,Pearl,Nimbus;EMI65、德彪西:《大海》,卡拉扬(1964),DG66、舒伯特:《“流浪者”幻想曲》,里希德,EMI67、拉赫玛尼诺夫:第二交响乐,普雷文,EMI68、Hildegard von Bingen:A Feather on the Breath of God,Gothic Voices,Hyperion69、瓦格纳:《帕西发尔》,克纳佩尔茨布施(1962),Philips70、Various Art of the Prima Donna,萨瑟兰,Decca71、威尔弟:《茶花女》,Ghione,EMI72、巴赫:《圣诞节清唱剧》,明欣格,Decca73、李斯特:《前奏曲》,卡拉扬,DG




Thursday, March 17, 2005

Image&video revolution

As we know our far far ancestors communicated with each other by spoken language and body language. Our not very far ancestors may have one more way to communicate, they could write down things on papers, so publish technic let a revolution happen to our world in Victor Hugo's opinion.
Today we have photograph and video recoder,which we can record much more and better thing and feeling and sence than a pen can do. It seems this will change our lifr style and our way to know the world.
Photograph and video recoder can only record images, we just use our eyes to read it. may be one day we should use all our sense .

P.S. has been shut down.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Attitude towords listenning music

听音乐正确的态度是欣赏它的旋律和节奏.不是去刻意注意某些频段的细节哦 -----D.N.A
从音乐爱好(发烧),变成器材发烧友就完了. -----tynp
When I read some articles in fudan bbs I find those words, i am interested in them. I read them time and time and then copy them on my blog here to remind myself. I think the philosophy are not just about music but other area in our daily life. The first sentence remind me that you do not have to pursue things that is 100 percent perfect, just enjoy it and enjoy what you have right now. Of couse that doesn't mean you have to give up pursueing better things and better condition.Second sentence tells me that on the way to pursue things, always look back and see the reason why you are here on this way. Always look forward and see what do you want to get here on this way. Be careful you are on a wrong way to a wrong destination.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Some thoughts

What a day today in Ningbou!
The sun is shinning brightly and the wind blowing freely.The wind, i have to say here in our university is really really attractive. Partly because a river passed our campus into the sea and the sea is not far.
It seems that people appraciate things which was got by more effort even it is not the valueable one. Maybe we could say that people was blinded by their out-given strength. My experience tells me that sometimes I will appreciate things like that too. Through i try to avoid to let happen.Treasure which is found hardest can be ture value in a film. Lovers who had crossed many difficulties can be true love at the end in TV sitcoms.......
People seems to used to it.The world seems to used to it too.Can we try to avoid it?